I choose Dustin to be a are Bear because even at 25 he loved the Blue Care Bear. He had a
heart that loved and cared about so many. A grown man in body and mind but a small child at heart. The love and memories he
left for so many will live on for a very long time. As his mom I am so proud of him and the life he lived and I know so Happy
and Still smiling in Heaven above. I miss him dearly each and every day but I know one day I will see him again and that big
smile. Love Mother
Click on all Pictures to Enlarge

As for the tree ornament, I think he would be
the Cheshire Cat (from Alice in Wonderland) he always had a silly grin on his face and he did love cats, the more
the merrier. He had two and I had three, the last year he was living with me we had the total of five and even the most stand
offish cat would climb all over him. He had a special way with them. They brought out the softer side of him when he
was trying to be the tough guy guy to everyone else.
David deLaeter
Angel Mom Elayne, Scott's Old Chook

Shane would be and I thk he would be the star at
the top of the tree as we would always make homemade cocoa , popcorn balls, candy, fudge, homemade cookies, etc when we decided
to decorate the tree. We would put on Christmas music like grandma got run over by a reindeer, rocking around the Xmas tree,
etcetc and he would dance around the room helping me decorate the tree and house making sure the top star would be just so
so, straight and lit up so pretty. For years he was the only on e tall enough to put the star on the top. I havent put up
a tree since he was killed and am not going to this year either. I seriously don't thl I ever will again. After we decorated
the tree we would put on traditional Xmas music and sit listening, drinking our cocoa and admiring the tree.
Angel Mom DJ

If Laurie were an ornament she would be either a
beautiful unicorn because they are unique, graceful, and just plain beautiful..... Or she would have been a dolphin, because
they are so precious, make cute little sounds like she did when she drank coke and swished it around in her mouth
before she swallowed it, the are quick learners, they are emotional and get attached to their mates, and they look so graceful
when they are swimming and jumping all together.... we used to ride the ferry and watch them... they were never out of rhythm...
Laurie, if love could have cured you, you would still
be here with us celebrating Christmas, with your family, your daddy and our pets, gathering around a beautiful christmas tree
that you loved to decorate each year..... Luv you and miss you always....

If Andrew were an ornament, he would be the
star at the top of the Christmas tree. Andrew had a smile that could light up a room ... we used to call him the movie
star of the family, because whenever we had a family gathering, we would all just sit around and wait until Andrew arrived.
Once he did, everyone would start talking and laughing, and the fun would begin. No matter what the occasion, we all
waited until Andrew arrived so the celebrating could begin.
Every year, Andrew and I would decorate the
Christmas tree together - that one was one of our favorite traditions. Andrew loved this night and he would make such
a production out of it. We would order Chinese food, play our favorite Christmas CD and decorate for hours. Andrew
always put the star on the top of the tree.
After everyone went to bed, Andrew and I
would stay up for hours and hang out together. We would wrap the stocking stuffers and fill all the stockings, and bring
out all the hidden gifts and put them under the tree. We made hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows,
and we would talk and giggle late into the night. This is one of the things I miss the most - and I have not decorated
the tree since Andrew's been gone.
Andrew, we love and miss you more as each
day passes. Merry Christmas in Heaven, my precious son. We will always remember.
I love you with all my heart,

If Bubba was a Tree Ornament he would be a Snowman he loved the snow as much as
I do. What fun we had building snowmen. Love you Bubba! Patty
Gary (Bubba) Haywood

Trissie would be a unicorn. After laying down Holly Hobie she picked up the unicorn.
She would say "Mama they can make your dreams come true." Even after she was married and had children she still collected
unicorns. I wish they could make your dreams come true for I would buy them all for just one more hour with you. I know you
are very happy with this gathering of all the children, I can just see the big smile on your face. So be happy my dear child
and enjoy them all. Merry Christmas to you and all the other children Love Mama
Carolyn Bethea Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you."

If Steven was an ornament he would have been a car, he loved
his cars and he lived and breath cars everyday.
Lori Angel Steven's Mom and JD's Mom
Steven Miller's Godaddy Site:

Geoff would be an Angel with Pink Wings because the last Halloween
he lived he was an Angel with Pink Feather Wings. He used my best white sheet for the clothing and left me with the
old white sheet - he always wanted and had the best I could give him. I was annoyed but I also had to laugh to see this
beautiful man-child in a white sheet with shocking pink feather
wings and a wand of protection to protect all the kids who needed to be protected. He is a great joy to me all 6 ft.
5 inches of him!!! That was the funny of the costume, he was so big and the wings were shocking pink
Karen Lyn Jenkins Mother of an Angel with Pink Wings
Geoffrey P. Edwards
I love you so.....twas Heaven here with you

Zach would be a snowman. He loved
the snow and liked to build snowmen. When it started to snow he couldn't wait until there was enough to build a snowman.

Victor wanted to be a lot of things
growing up. A policeman, a firefighter or maybe even a cowboy. But what he wanted to be in his young adult years was a "Good
Daddy" to his kids, Kendall and Dustin.
Remembering daddy this Christmas ...
all the Christmas' past and all the Christmas' to come.
All our love, forever and a day Kendall
(now age 22) Dustin (now age 21) Patricia (now age... oh no you don't...lol)
Merry Christmas everyone... 'Tis The
Season 2008 .......

Ii gave this lots of thought and Michelle LOVED to
build snow men
and snow ladies when a child, she loved snow and
would look up at it
in wonder and delight..
I remember the night before she went to Heaven she
stepped out back of our house as it was
lightly sprinkling some snow, she reach out and clutched it
into her hands and was mesmerized by it's sparkling beauty..Little did we know then that she would never see or touch snow again. She was in heaven the following morning of November 5th..Michelle is my sparkling diamond, her is a poem I wrote some years back..
The snow covers the
flowers from Heaven,
God's Kingdom came to
visit again..
The diamonds glistening
all over the snow,
My heart yearns for
the joy of tomorrow~
Knowing I'll see my
Flower, my Diamond again,
My sweet daughter, my
I love you Michelle
Love Forever, Mother
January 21st 1996
8/24/84 * 11/5/93

Deborah would be a twinkling, shining star....she was full of sparkle, fun, laughter and joy...she shone
like the brightest star in the sky, especially when she was on stage dancing. There are a million words and things
I could describe Deborah as, but I think star is the most appropriate.
Angel Mom Christine

Thinking of one thing Colby was is hard, he was energetic, he was life,
he loved things that went fast and his favorite Nascar driver was Bobby Labonte, so to put one word energy. He was buried
with his Nascar collectibles that he had just gotten for Christmas, he died Jan. 11, so never had much time with his Christmas
items. Colby loved anything that would go, lawn mowers, dollys, wheel barrier, any thing with wheels. I want to.
Love and Hugz

I don’t know how Christopher's
ornament would look, but he would have to be a beaver made from legos. his favorite animal and his favorite toy. that is why
i am always and forever going to be legobeaver
Christopher's Mommy forever

My Becky ,She
would be a sparkling Snowflake or a snow person . She love the snow and always wanted it to now on christmas . She never saw
a white christmas here while on this earth . It was always a wish of hers . When it did snow she was always the
first one out side to build a snowman and she always decorated her tree with spray snow and her christmas trees after she
left home with snow men .

my Dustin were a Christmas Ornament he would be a rare White Dove .This has always been a sign to me that he is will
me every day in Spirit . Because three days after He went to heaven I had a Wild white Dove visit me and stay on my small
Fish pond I had on my patio . Over the last 13 years the dove has revisited me time after time. Staying for a while then
moving on .
feel a peace and comfort from the dove .

Well for the
winter months I'd definitely say that Jakob would be a snowman because he got so excited to see the first snow & he called
snowmen nomen!
Because of that
I have been collecting snowmen for the winter months & have even found a few snowmen Angels . Although now they seem to to have more out than when he first Became an Angel.
He loved trains
& BIG trucks to, but for the an ornament definitely a snowman.

It was when my ANGEL Lee got a little older, he realized he had some obstacles in his way,
which felt like a knife cutting through his heart, being that they included
his biological Father, his work that he was so Talented at, but most of all his illness. I still remember him saying it now,
and always will, "Mom I wished I was a bird instead, and be able to fly free" By
saying that I for sure knew what he meant. He even wrote a poem called "Bird" I would like to share with you all. Ever since
he has left me, whenever I see a dove it reminds me very much of him, so that is why my ornament is a dove with my
ANGEL there too.
BIRD I wish I'd been born a Bird instead I could spread my wings and fly I wouldn't
have to worry or think I'd never have to wonder why I'd soar above the sad and angry Folk Below Who seem to relish in the thought Of a greedy hateful show Humanity's becoming a troubled child Such a spoiled little
brat Preaching from it's rotten stage Boasting
this or that The Sons and
Daughters of the earth Who've made a mess of things Should become Pupils of the Bird Who simply flies around
and sings Birds don't pillage
or rape the land They never hate or fight They
never argue endlessly About who is wrong or right As I look around this damaged world Is it any wonder why That all I wanted out of life Was to be a Bird and Fly Written By Lee
Henry Aguilera~Sue-Anne's ANGEL 10-17-74~08-14-00

My Jacob loved Christmas always
the first to want to put the tree up and decorate. The ornament question is a hard one :-) what would Jake be if he was an
Jake loved soccer he was very talented sports person but he also said when he died he would come back as an eagle or a cheetah
So I think Jake
would be an eagle soaring through
the sky being
the master of his domain he was such a
strong independent
With love Jacob's
Our Aussie Angel

Robbie would either be a train (which
has become our symbol for him) or a penguin. He LOVED cold weather and snow, and seldom needed to wear a coat, as he
didn't seem to feel the cold. He even said that he was a penguin.